Louisville Rotary Club
We meet Wednesday at noon in the downstairs at the Louisville Eagles,
306 W. Main St.., Louisville, Ohio 44641
Mailing Address: P.O Box 170
Louisville, Ohio 44641
Phone 330-418-3375
Community Grants
The Louisville Rotary Club is pleased to return funds raised from our flag program and other fundraisers to to benefit Louisville and Nimishillen Twp. area non profit organizations and other worthy organizations. From literacy to gardening, technology to youth activities, and community events to local history. We look forward to giving back to area groups and ideas!
Each fall, the club accepts grant applications based on the questions below.
In a one page application, please answer the following:
Section 1: Describe the project scope and specific need from Rotary.
Section 2: Describe how the project will build goodwill within the Louisville community.
Section 3: Describe how the project will be beneficial to the Louisville community.
Sections 1-3 will be graded on a scale of 1-5, with the highest scoring proposals selected.
Please provide your contact information and indicate if there is a member of Rotary who can provide further information, if necessary. Grant Application Period: Sept. 15 to Oct. 15 each year.
Submissions can be emailed to louisvillerotaryclub"at"gmail.com or mailed to P.O. Box 170, Louisville, OH 44641
Below is for Rotary-Club use only!
April Budget
Aug Sept
The President of Louisville Rotary shall appoint a Community Grant Committee to review the grant proposals.
The Grant committee will work closely with the Treasurer to determine the amount of money to give as grants for the current calendar year. The committee will suggest this amount to the club.
During the May business meeting the club will vote on the amount.
We will then advertise the grants via the Louisville Herald, and Facebook.
From Sept. 15 thru Oct. 15th we will accept grant applications.
Late in Oct. the committee will meet and decide the finalists and how much each will receive..
At business meeting in November, the club will see the list of finalists and either vote it up or down. Upon approval of the club members, the President shall notify each organization of their grant award with a letter stating the amount of the award. President will also notify those not receiving funds.
The chairman will follow up to make sure the the Grant checks will be written before December 20th of each year simply to keep the income and the expenses in the same accounting year.