Louisville Rotary Club
We meet Wednesday at noon in the downstairs at the Louisville Eagles,
306 W. Main St., Louisville, Ohio 44641
Mailing Address: P.O Box 170
Louisville, Ohio 44641
Phone 330-418-3375

Louisville Rotary Club
Meeting Minutes
October 4, 2023
President Barb DiJacimo chaired the business meeting held in the Fellowship Hall of Paradise Church with 20 members in attendance. Paradise Pastor David Anderson gave the opening prayer. Following the Pledge of Allegiance and the Four-Way Test President Barb asked for any Happy Dollars. For the 1st time in many years there were no Happy Dollars. There were no guests and no song of the day. Mark, we missed you! Cynthia Kerchner was the Robo winner with a take of $5. Don’t spend it all in one place, Cynthia.
Rotary Moment Bill Wood told of his journey in becoming a Rotarian and his involvement with the foreign exchange program. His first Rotary Club was in Charleston, South Carolina and there were no women in that club and meeting attendance was required. For the past 12 years Bill has been the Chair for the District student exchange program.
The Agenda * The Board has recommended Mary Smith for membership and the members voted to accept her with a unanimous vote. Welcome to our organization, Mary. * A 10-minute discussion regarding the price for the Nov. 11th Pancake Breakfast held in the Middle School cafeteria followed. Most agreed that the price needed to be raised. But what to do about infants and pre-school children? It was agreed to charge adults $7, upper school-aged children $3 and the ticket takers, Greg Parrish & Jerry Dunbar, could use their judgement on young children's cost, if any. Example: what to charge a mother with a toddler in hand and a newborn in a baby sling? One adult charge. * The District is supporting a Polio Plus goal of each club purchasing at least five dozen Purple Pinkie donuts at a cost of $20 a dozen. Our club will be following the recommendation, but we suggest members purchase a dozen on their own. The club will pick up the donut orders and deliver them. Orders need to be given to Barb by 10/24. * Club mentors. Mentors are Bill Wood, Bob Hallier, Mark Sigler, Jim Dutter and Eva Roshong. We need a checklist of items and club traditions new members should know. *
During the last 15 minutes of the meeting, members were divided into small groups to discuss their committee’s project. What do we want to do? There are $1,000 grants allotted to each committee.
Upcoming Events & Luncheon Menus
Oct. 11 — Olga Mutin shares her experience in Columbia. (Taco salad, chips, salsa, ice cream).
Oct. 15 — Last day to submit community grant applications. (We have had only two so far).
Oct. 18 — Evening program - 5-5:30 at Unhitched. $10. (Order from menu).
Oct. 25 — Judge Frank Forchoine. (Bean soup, corn bread, banana).
Submitted by Allen Gress, Secretary
Louisville Rotary Club
Meeting Minutes
October 11, 2023
This week’s Rotary lunch meeting was held in the Fellowship Hall of Paradise Church and was attended by 22 members. President Barb DeJacimo called the meeting to order and the club was led in prayer by Paradise Pastor Rev. Dr. David Anderson, followed by the Pledge of Allegiance and Four-Way Test. Happy Dollars Bill Wood shared that Allen Gress was in the hospital, but doing well and in good spirits. Jim Edwards announced that a former foreign exchange student was recently married.
Ray Scheiden told a story about Olga Lucia Mutis Peralta, this week’s speaker and acknowledged her recent attainment of US citizenship.
Amy Simpkins declared that 129 coats have been collected for Warm Coats (8 more than last year). She predicts they will still have a few more come in.
Jim Dutter proclaimed this Friday as October’s Second Friday event in downtown. The theme is Oktoberfest.
Cynthia Kerchner thanked Motts Greenhouse for a good deal on pumpkins and décor for Second Fridays. There will be pumpkin painting at Second Friday. She also thanked Yoder’s Auto for donating a train that will cruise around at Second Friday and offer rides. Other events will include chalk the street, cornhole and 12 food vendors. Eva Roshong visited other Rotary Clubs and shared about the Malvern Rotary Club’s old jail that is used for fundraising. Also, Brad’s Carpet Cleaning won for the area’s Best Carpet Cleaner.
Joyce Hudnell is, “just thankful to be here.” She gave thanks to the Rotary Club for the Constitution Parade and shared that she has heard nothing but overwhelmingly good things about the parade.
Club News:
Five grants have been submitted for the Community Grants. The deadline is October 15.
Greg Anderson gave out 10 tickets to each Rotarian to sell for the upcoming pancake day. A volunteer sheet was distributed. This pancake breakfast is sponsored by St. Joseph’s. Placemat ads are still being sold. The next Rotary meeting will be at Unhitched on Wednesday, October 18 at 5:00. Mycha Mills will be the speaker.
A Rotary Minute Jerry Dunbar told the story of growing up in Louisville and how he became involved in Rotary. Jerry has memories of his Uncle being in Rotary and having to attend Rotary meetings while on vacation and bring back proof of attending another meeting while he was gone. As a kid, Jerry remembers being brought to the Louisville Rotary Club’s Christmas party at Paradise Church.
The Program:
Louisville resident Olga Lucia Mutis Peralta was introduced by Amy Simpkins. Ms. Mutis is a retired translator from Colombia and speaks multiple different languages. Ms. Mutis holds a Master’s degree in Homeopathy and began writing creatively during the pandemic. Since, she has published several books, one of which a children’s book about the animals in her backyard. Ms. Mutis addressed several misconceptions about Colombia with the club. She said the weather in Bogata is similar to Ohio and not particularly warm. Most Colombian cities are in the mountains and are therefore rather temperate. She made clear that there is a lot more to Colombia than drugs. She stated she has never seen a user or seller of drugs and the economy relies heavily on coffee and tourism.
Coming Events:
Oct. 18 – Evening Meeting: 5:30 at Unhitched
Oct. 25 – Frank Forchione, Opioid Crisis
Nov. 1 – Business Meeting
Nov. 8 – Sally Samblanet, Louisville Community Cupboard
Nov. 11 – Pancake Day Nov. 15 – Rafter Hollow Sanctuary
Submitted by Brock H.
Louisville Rotary Club
Meeting Minutes
October 18, 2023
“Creating Hope in the World”
This week’s meeting was held in the Main Street conference room at Unhitched Restaurant. The unusual evening event was attended by 29 persons, including nine guests and spouses. The meal included pepperoni pizza, barbecue chicken wings and breaded baked cauliflower. What’s not to like? Pass the pizza.
The idea of a 5:30 meeting was to appeal to those individuals interested in Rotary, but are unable to attend luncheon meetings. Mark Sigler gave an inspirational opening prayer, considering the world’s current situation, and the Pledge to the flag seemed more intense than usual. Is it the truth? The first line of the Rotary Four-Way Test resonated among newer and older Rotarians. Songmeister Sigler led the singing rounds of the song The Lion Sleeps Tonight. The lyrics, too, seem to be relevant to the world’s multiple crises — In the jungle, the mighty lion sleeps tonight . . . Is America the mighty lion?
President-Elect Randy Starr pinch hit for President Barb DiJacimo who excused herself to serve as mom for a school event. Bob Hallier was this week’s Robo Ball winner carrying home a whopping $5.
The Rotary Minute Don Marshall spoke about his early years in Rotary. “I came here as a young attorney, not knowing many people,” he said.”When I was inducted, you had to be there for every meeting.” He named some of Louisville’s top tier business and professional men who were Rotary members at that time. Former LHS teacher Bill Holzworth asked Don to join. “In those years, my membership was more of a feeling; I just enjoyed it,” he recounted. “And I still do.”
Happy Dollars * Amy Simpkins reminded all of the upcoming YMCA auction Friday, Nov. 17 at Hall of Fame. Call Amy at the Y for ticket information. * Jim Edwards thanked the San Francisco kicker who missed the last shot for the 49s and guaranteed a Brown’s victory. He also announced openings for the Romeo Club or Raunchy Old Men Who Eat Out. The club meets at the Eagles Hall every Friday morning at 7:45. You are welcome. Joanie Aljancic recently joined and is the club’s token woman. We need more tokens! *
Eva Roshong told of her visit to other clubs, she found that Louisville was the best damn club in the district. * Greg Anderson gave a pitch for the Louisville School levy Nov. 10. No new taxes he reminded members. The renewal provides $1.8 million dollars. critical for current school operations. REMEMBER. NO NEW TAXES!
Additional Announcements: from Randy # Thank you for another successful Second Friday! # Community grant applications are closed with 15 applications. # Warm Coats distribute Oct. 27 2 to 6 in the YMCA # Purple Pinkie project — we ordered 10 dozen donuts as a club. They will be ready for distribution on the 24th. # Helene’s senior night with the marching band is this Friday. She is the featured dancer. Let’s turn out to support her. # Any ideas for the Nov. 29th meeting?
The Program:
Perhaps the newest Louisville entrepreneur is Mycha Mills, a 35-year-old mother of two who is a storybook businessperson. The Canton McKinley, Akron University graduate first started a venue planner business about eight years ago. She soon found that she had a knack for party planning. But as in many cases, the COVID put a halt on parties and wedding receptions — those the bread and butter of her business. She said she always loved photography and began taking photographs of LHS students combining her photographic talent with event planning. “The number of student poritrites has nearly tripled over the past three years,” she said. Soon, she needed help and hired other women to assist in the event planning and in her studio. She needed more space, found Cynthia Kerchner, owner of a vacant building uptown on East Main Street. Surprisingly, there happens to be an apartment on the 2nd floor. Mycha finds it convenient to have a studio downstairs and living above. “I do have a roof patio and have used it for some of my shots,” she said. Mycha did work for about six months with the Football Hall of Fame, but enjoyed her independence and left to concentrate on her Louisville business. “I built my business on people over profit,” she said. “I love working with people!” Mycha is currently a candidate for Louisville city council and wants to develop a community downtown. “I would like to see more foot traffic,” she said. “This has been a fun season for me.”
Upcoming Events:
Oct. 25 — Judge Frank Forchione
Nov. 1 — Business meeting
Nov. 8 — Louisville Community Cupboard
Nov. 10 — Second Friday
Nov. 11 — Pancake Day
Nov. 15 — Rafter Hollow Sanctuary
Submitted by Allen Gress, Secretar
Louisville Rotary Club
Meeting Minutes
October 25, 2023
There was a lot of excitement in the air as 29 persons turned out for this noon meeting held in the Fellowship Hall of Paradise Church. The motivation for most persons was the day’s program — a message to be given by Judge Frank Forchione. People know that when Judge Forchione speaks, you listen! And no one left disappointed. The usual opening led by President Barb DiJacimo was the prayer, Pledge Allegiance to the flag, the Four-Way Test and, of course, a song chosen and led by Songmeister Mark Sigler. The day’s music was John Lennon singing a song written by Ben King and others — Stand By Me.
Mary Smith won the $6 Robo Ball game. It was a good day for Mary who was inducted into our club before the Robo drawing.
Happy Dollars * Brock Hutchison thanked the club for the donuts given for the club’s support of District 6650’s Purple Pinkie Project. *
Cynthia Kerchner reminded all of the Second Friday uptown festival Nov. 10. “I know it’s the night before the Pancake Breakfast, but suck it up!” she exclaimed. The band Off the Charts is providing the entertainment. *
Jim Edwards showed up with the broken memorial plate he found tucked away among his treasurers. The plate, minus a pie-shaped piece, was for the Canal Fulton Rotary’s 100th anniversary, which he had attended many years ago. He passed it on to Randy Starr. Is a memorial plate a worthy idea for our 100th? *
Amy Simkus posted the 2023 YMCA auction set for Friday, Nov. 17 from 6 to 10 at the Hall of Fame Stadium. The $70 per person ticket can be purchased by calling Amy at the Y. *
Garry Tausch, with gushing enthusiasm, listed activities going on at the high school saying “We’ve had a lotta really good stuff going on!” One of the activities I am interested in is Reading Under the Lights.” *
Glenn Heiller asked members with flag routes to get the flags posted and picked up on schedule Wednesday - Thursday Nov.1 & 2 with pick-up Monday & Tuesday Nov. 13 & 14. Tattered flags go in the trailer.
Rotary Minute Don “Scooter” Israel, a 31-year Rotarian, gave a touching story of his most memorable Rotary minute. Seems Scooter was discussing his upcoming message while at the dinner table, family around. When his three daughters heard what father had to do, they began telling him about all the memories they had with Rotary helping with projects. Father was touched that so many of the club projects were remembered and worked on by his children. So Rotary was not just a good experience for him, it was also special for his children. That’s the most memorable time he had. Well done, Dad.
The Program Pat Fallott introduced Judge Forchione, a graduate of St. Thomas Aquinas High School, Kent State University and the University of Akron Law School. Among his many accomplishments, he is the founder and Chairman of the Stop Heroin from Killing committee. Judge Forchione was first elected for one of the five Stark County Common Pleas Judges in 2008, then was reelected in 2014 and 2020. His topic centered on the problem of drug use in America. “Ohio has the 3rd largest number of overdoses of any state in the US,” he said. “Last year over 120,000 persons died in our country from drugs; that included 6,000 Ohioans. This is the worst epidemic we’ve ever had.” When the Judge first got concerned about overdoses, the main drug was heroin, but then it was fentanyl. “It is 100 times more powerful than heroin,” he continued, “but today there is a new drug — a zombie drug called xylazine. It’s worse.” About 80% of all the cases in his court are due to fentanyl and many deaths occur in bathrooms, either at home, in a restaurant or any public bathroom, according to the Judge. “We’re trying to save lives,” he said. When asked about Issue 2 on the ballot legalizing marijuana, he said Judges cannot endorse ballot issues. But he did say that marajijuana often leads to heavier drug use. He concluded by admitting that the most difficult time he had growing up was living in a house with five sisters, one bathroom and only one telephone.
Upcoming Events & Menu
Nov. 1 – Business Meeting
Nov. 8 — Louisville Community Cupboard
Nov. 10 — Second Friday
Nov. 11 — Pancake Day
Nov. 15 — Rafter Hollow Sanctuary
Nov. 22 — No meeting. Enjoy your Thanksgiving
Nov. 29 — Coach Tom Siegfried, LHS basketball coach. Meeting at Unhitched.
Submitted by Allen Gress, Secretary
Louisville Rotary Club
Meeting Minutes
November 1, 2023
This week’s Rotary lunch meeting was held in the Fellowship Hall of Paradise Church and was attended by 20 members. President Barb DeJacimo called the meeting to order and the club was led in prayer by Paradise Pastor Rev. Dr. David Anderson, followed by the Pledge of Allegiance and Four-Way Test. Happy Dollars Glenn Hellier’s granddaughter who lives in Massachusetts made the National volleyball team. Cynthia Kerchner proclaimed next Friday to be the final Second Friday event of the year. Jim Dutter exclaimed that election day is upcoming and endorsed the school’s levy. Bill Wood shared that we will need to select students for RYLA. Two boys and two girls attend and must be juniors in High School. The World Affairs Council is also happening in Pittsburgh and the club will need to select four High School seniors to attend. Please let Bill know if you have someone to recommend. Barb DeJacimo was thankful to hear Al Gress’ voice after hearing about his suspected heart attack yesterday. In talking with Al, she said he was mostly concerned with having to cancel his flag route, which Glenn Hellier has already seen to covering.
Guests: Brock Hutchison introduced his father, Bill Hutchison, who has been volunteering as a flag driver for the last few years. Jim Edwards introduced Shorty Wiesel. Shorty is a retired operator who builds exact replicas of CAT machinery. Club News: Business Meeting Edition Flags are to go out today or tomorrow. Today marks the first ever flag route to be run in the snow. Warm Coats was a success this year. Leftover coats can be picked up at the YMCA. A donation for Warm Coats was received from the Louisville Eagles.
Don Israel, Chair of the Grants Committee explained the grant process and presented the recommended winners:
1. Grantee: Town and Country Garden Club Amount: $500 Purpose: Refurbish entry to town signs
2. Grantee: City of Louisville Police Department Amount: $500 Purpose: Fishing with a Police Officer
3. Grantee: Louisville-Nimishillen Historical Society Amount: $1,000 Purpose: Digitize microfilm to make past issues of Louisville Herald accessible online
4. Grantee: Louisville Middle School Art Department Amount: $1,160 Purpose: Outdoor patio classroom. Partnership with shop class.
5. Grantee: The Construction Foundation Amount: $1,600 Purpose: Start-up costs for a new foundation that will train youth in the trades, pay them for labor and tackle community projects for people in need.
6. Grantee: Louisville Middle and High School – Sources of Strength Amount: $500 Purpose: Suicide prevention program. Money is for materials and education.
7. Grantee: Leopards Helping Leopards Amount: $500 Purpose: Mentoring program. Pairs high school juniors and seniors with at-risk fifth graders. Money is for events and activities to build mentor-mentee relationships.
8. Grantee: Eagle Scout Project Amount: $740 Purpose: Build and refurbish picnic tables around Louisville.
Total Grants: $7,000 Jim Edwards moved/ Randy Starr seconded a motion to approve the slate of grants for 2023. Community Grant Discussion Glenn Hellier asked about the Louisville-Nimishillen Historical Society grant and wondered about giving LNHS money for the same project in the past. Don Israel explained that the entirety of the cost of the project is now accounted for and this is the last time LNHS would be need to ask for funding for this project, because they are splitting the cost of the project with the Library. Brock Hutchison explained that the Library owns decades of the Louisville Herald and they are all on microfilm. The Library and LNHS both get a few requests for obituaries and other information from past Louisville Herald issues each week. The current process is cumbersome and requires digging through scrolls of microfilm. This digitization project will allow all issues of the Herald to be available online on the Library and LNHS websites. The text will even be searchable.
Denny Valentine offered an endorsement of Chance Bricker and The Construction Foundation. Jared Shive asked if consideration was given to The Construction Foundation not having a 501c3. Don Israel responded that part of the money was to be used for start up costs that include obtaining a 501c3. Jim Edwards stated that obtaining a 501c3 could be much easier by using the Louisville Community Foundation. Jim Edwards explained that $38,000 is raised from the Rotary Flag Program and he would like to see more of that money going out toward community grants. Eva Roshong mentioned that we also give out the Louisville Rotary Club Ken Smith Scholarship each year for $1,000. President Barb DeJacimo called for a vote and the motion was unanimously approved.
Club News: Business Meeting Edition Sandor Gyarmati submitted a request for membership. Hearing no concerns, Randy Starr moved/ Bill Wood seconded a motion to accept Sandor Gyarmati’s request for membership. Motion carried with all voting in the affirmative.
Sally Samblanet from the Louisville Community Cupboard is next week’s speaker. President DeJacimo asked for the club members to bring egg noodles to donate to the Louisville Community Cupboard. Egg noodles are an item needed by the Community Cupboard to prepare for Thanksgiving. Reminder to sell Pancake Breakfast tickets that were passed out by Greg Anderson a few meetings ago. Pancake Breakfast proceeds go towards the club’s donation to Polio Plus. The December business meeting will be the time to nominate officers for the next year. We will need nominations for Vice-President and Treasurer.
Eva Roshong moved/ Bill Wood seconded a motion to hold this year’s Christmas Party at 6:00PM on December 13. The party will be held at Cynthia Kerchner’s house. Motion carried with all voting in the affirmative.
Other Ideas or Concerns Dave Yeagley agrees with Jim Edwards that more money should be given away for community grants. Denny Valentine agrees but asked the club to remember that we have large projects going on in the future. Eva Roshong asked if there was a large projects committee. Randy Starr is the Chair of the 100th Anniversary Committee and is working on completing the amphitheater at Metzger Park for a large project to celebrate Rotary’s 100th Anniversary. Glenn Hellier stated there are several organizations that receive ongoing grants each year. The meeting was adjourned at 12:57 p.m.
Coming Events:
Nov. 8 – Sally Samblanet, Louisville Community Cupboard
Nov. 11 – Pancake Day
Nov. 15 – Rafter Hollow Sanctuary
No Meeting Nov. 22 (Thanksgiving)
Nov. 29 – Tom Siegfried Boys Basketball Preview at Unhitched
December 6 – Business Meeting
Submitted by Brock
Louisville Rotary Club
Meeting Minutes
November 8, 2023
This week’s Rotary lunch meeting was held in the Fellowship Hall of Paradise Church and was attended by 25 members. President Barb DeJacimo called the meeting to order and the club was led in prayer by Mark Sigler, followed by the Pledge of Allegiance and Four-Way Test. Happy Dollars Glenn Hellier thanked club veterans – Bill Wood, Bob Hallier and Jim Edwards. Bill Wood is thankful the school levy passed. Mark Sigler is extremely happy the school levy passed. Barb DeJacimo is also thankful for the school levy passage and all those who helped. She specifically thanked Jared Shive, Greg Anderson, Mark Sigler, Jim Edwards and Jerry Dunbar. She concluded – “It’s a good day to be a Leopard.” Guests Mark Sigler led the club in singing, “America the Beautiful.”
Bill Wood introduced guests Helene and Manu. Helene is a Rotary exchange student. Manu is another exchange student from Brazil. Jim Edwards introduced Shorty Wiesel, who has submitted a Rotary membership application.
Rotary Moments by Jim Edwards Jim’s first introduction to Rotary was coming to Christmas parties as a kid at Paradise Church. He recalls the Rotary Club giving gifts to disadvantaged children in the community. After returning from the service to Louisville, Jim recalls joining Rotary in 1972. He became President of Rotary in the early 80’s and spearheaded a haunted house initiative, which raised money for the club for several years. One of the programs Jim is most proud of is the flag program. He shared that in 2009 Kennybob Smith brought a gentleman from Alliance to talk about the program. The club had 100% approval back then and that support continues to this day. The program grew the club into a real philanthropic club for our community.
Club News Glenn Hellier shared with the club a plaque that was received from the district office to be placed at the newly planted milkweed at Metzger Park.
Greg Anderson spoke regarding the Rotary Foundation. The Foundation’s theme – Every Rotarian, Every Year, encourages every Rotarian to give to the Foundation every year. Greg shared that last year was one of the Foundation’s best years ever. The club is again striving to get 100% participation in giving to the Foundation. Greg announced that the Pancake Breakfast is ready to go for Saturday and everything is in good shape. He has been setting out pancake breakfast signs around town.
New Member Initiation – Sandor Gyarmati was welcomed into the club by Greg Anderson.
The Program Mayor Pat Fallot introduced the speaker, Sally Samblanet from the Louisville Community Cupboard (LCC). Sally began her talk by discussing the location of the LCC at St. Stephen Martyr Lutheran Church. She explained that most of the stock is purchased from the Akron-Canton Food Bank, with smaller purchases from the dollar store and Giant Eagle. LCC currently serves 150 families. LCC is ran by 30 regular volunteers. No volunteers are paid. All of the money goes to food and stays in Louisville. Sally expressed gratitude to St. Stephen Martyr Lutheran Church and Midlake for making the program possible. St. Stephen Martyr Lutheran Church provides the facility and gardens to grow vegetables in the summer. Midlake provides trucks and workers that pickup and deliver the orders each week to LCC. Key Bank also provides a great amount of assistance in sorting the food donations during busy times. Sally thanked the Louisville Rotary Club for their generous donation each year. At the end of her presentation, President Barb DeJacimo presented Sally with the club’s annual donation.
Coming Events
Nov. 10 – Second Friday – Cancelled
Nov. 11 – Pancake Day
Nov. 22 – No meeting
Nov. 29 – Tom Siegfried Boys Basketball Preview at Unhitched
Nov. 15 – Rafter Hollow Sanctuary
Dec. 13, 6PM – Christmas Party at Cynthia’s
Submitted by Brock
Louisville Rotary Club
Meeting Minutes
November 15, 2023
Nineteen members were in attendance for Wednesday’s meeting held in the Fellowship Hall of Paradise Church. Pastor David Anderson gave a timely prayer, Club President DeJacimo led the Pledge of Allegiance and the Rotary Four-Way Test. Songmeister Mark Sigler directed the singing of Over the River and Through the Woods to Grandma’s House We Go. Happy Dollars * Brock Hutchison kicked off the public fund raiser for the new library. There are giving options and a gift tree. “However you want to give, we’ll take your money,” he said. “There are bronze leaves, (for the Giving Tree) $100, Silver leaves for $300 or Gold leaves for $500.” Or you can donate online at louisvillelibrary.org . *
Glenn Heiller gave an update about his brother’s triple bi-pass heart surgery. A Rotary Moment #
Joanie Aljancic shared with members her 30-plus years as an elementary gym teacher for both the Louisville and St. Louis Schools. She thanked Greg Parrish for inviting her to join the club and she said she has had many fine memories. Robo Ball # Greg Anderson was this week’s BIG Robo Ball winner; so big the amount is secret. Well, truth be told, this notetaker was a distracted sitter at the time. Items of Business +
Barb DiJacimo read a thank-you note from Sally Samblanet for our donations to the Community Cupboard. While she had the floor Barb reminded members there will bo no meeting Nov. 23 so all can help spouses prepare for Turkey Day. Our next meeting will be Wednesday EVENING the 29th at UnHitched. Bring friends and family. + Greg Anderson thanked all those who helped make the pancake breakfast a successful event. In 4 hours, we passed out 412 meals and that’s not counting those who returned for seconds. Greg also talked about the Rotary Giving Day —Tuesday the 28th. Keep in mind members, your gift will be doubled by International Rotary.
Someone mentioned we should participate in Lite Up Louisville and give out coffee and hot chocolate from an inside storeroom. Sponsored by the Chamber of Commerce Sunday afternoon from 3 to 6 December 3rd. Seven downtown businesses will be open in addition to the Louisville Rotary hot chocolate bar.
The Program The interesting program was for the birds! Yes, the program was presented by two bird specialists from the Raptor Hollow Sanctuary — Amy Vanlew and William Shok. The non-profit Sanctuary, originally in Salem, moved to share the Beech Creek Gardens located at 11929 Beech Street in Washington Township. Raptor Hollow Sanctuary offers their own educational programs and also offers off-site programs. At times, Raptor Hallow Sanctuary will collaborate with Beech Creek Gardens for joint educational programming. They both offer interesting opportunity for volunteer experiences. Today’s program included three of their many raptors. First was an Acorn Owl followed by Peregrine Falcon and then a Turkey Vulture. The three birds, one at a time, were tethered to Amy’s arm, and the Vulture has been taught to fly from William to Amy and back. Research showed that poison DDE, a by-product of DDT, accumulated in the fatty tissue of female peregrines and disrupting their production of normal calcium layers in egg shell formation. Peregrine falcons were placed on the federal endangered species list in 1970. Today the peregrine falcon is delisted at both the federal and state levels, but will continue to be monitored. The Turkey Vulture is the consummate scavenger and they can digest almost anything. They range from southern Canada to the southern tip of South America. The vultures have a keen sense of smell that helps them find food. The Raptor Hollow Sancutary’s goal is to bring environmental education to all. More information can be obtained online at avanlew@raptorhallow.org or phone 330-600-8972.
Upcoming Events
Nov. 29 — Tom Siegfried, LHS head basketball coach
Dec. 6 — John Taggart, Straggat Media
Dec. 13 — Christmas party at Cynthia’s 6 pm
Submitted by Allen Gress, Secretary
No Meeting on Nov. 22nd (Thanksgiving)
Louisville Rotary Club
Meeting Minutes
November 29, 2023 It was good to get together after the Thanksgiving break, the conclusion of the football season and the beginning of the basketball season. The well-attended evening meeting held in the meeting room of UnHitched Restaurant featured a presentation by the ultrasuccessful LHS boys basketball coach Tom Seigfreid. President-Elect Randy Starr chaired the meeting with Mark Sigler giving the opening prayer. Mark later led the singing of the cheerful Jingle Bells.
Amy Simpkins gave the Rotary Moment sharing a number of her warm memories of Rotary membership. “You guys are my inspiration!” she said. Coach Seigfreid passed out a colorful blue & white 2023-24 BB schedule that included a number of the top northeast Ohio teams. Allen Gress was the lucky winner of the club’s power ball contest. (Al said the cash bonanza would be Gail’s Christmas present). The 30-some attendees included six guests. Happy Dollars & Club News * Randy reminded Rotarians about Light-Up Louisville celebration this Sunday afternoon from 3 till 6. Volunteers are needed to treat visitors to hot chocolate and coffee served from inside the heated former downtown car parts store located next to Umbrella Alley. Volunteers should be there by 2:15 to insure the coffee and chocolate are hot. * Randy reminded members that next week’s meeting would be back at Paradise Church. He also gave a reminder of the Rotary Christmas party coming up Dec. 13.
The Program If any Louisville resident ever needed a pep talk about the value of sports in today’s education, he should listen to Coach Seigfreid who could sell freezers to Eskimos! The coach is a social studies teacher, chair of the department, is assistant athletic director, announcer for football games and head baseball coach. I’m sure if asked, he would park cars and shovel snow. He began his message to the Rotarians with “Thank you for what you do!” He went on compare the Rotary’s slogan Service above Self with his programs for his kids beginning with athletic activities for kindergartners through grade 12. “These kids have to do something and not expecting a pat on the back,” he preaches. The coach quickly discussed Akron Hope, a program to help intercity elementary kids have what we have. “In Louisville we are lucky to have parents, grandparents and even great-grandparents who teach positive values.” He took the Louisville basketball reins in 2007, and over the years has turned down offers to go elsewhere for more money. He is proud of the Little Dribblers . . . “we had 84 this year and 160 youth attended our summer basketball camp.” Seigfreid is proud of his Royal Knights, a basketball program for disabled children that has been going now for nine years. The Seigfreid coaching philosophy focuses on competition and mental toughness. “But we teach that life is bigger than basketball.” Last years team finished 19-5, but those who question five losses need to look at the schools Louisville schedules. Most of those 5 losses were by a few points and the team was never out of the games. The Leopards lost in the District semi-finals to Walsh Jesuit 49-48. Tom Seigfreid was voted District 4 Coach of the Year for 2022, but for his alumni players, he is Coach of the Year for every year.
Coming Events
Dec. 6 — John Taggart from Taggart Media.
Dec. 13 — Christmas Party at Cynthia’s house. This is a family event.
Submitted by Allen Gress, Secretary
Louisville Rotary Club
Meeting Minutes
December 6, 2023
President Barb DiJacimo rang the opening bell for 25 members and 5 guests for the December 6th meeting held in the Fellowship Hall of Paradise Church. Guests included Glen Adkins, Lisa Adkins, Helene (our exchange student) and John Taggart who will present the day’s program. Songmeister Sigler led the singing of John Lennon’s version of So This is Christmas.
Happy Dollars * Bill Wood offered thanks to the club volunteers who volunteered at the Light up Louisville celebration. He said that between 800 & 1,000 cups of hot chocolate were served. He was also pleased with the number of residents who attended the activities. *
Glenn Heiller said his granddaughter returned home safely from a 2-week visit to India. *
Eva Roshong said she was happy to be back in Louisville following a California trip to help celebrate her father’s 93rd birthday.
Club Business # Ray Schleiden was this week’s lucky Roboball winner. # The 2024025 Board nominations was unanimous with the following members: Past President — Barb DiJacimo President — Randy Starr President Elect — Jim Dutter Vice-President — Greg Anderson Glenn Heiller — Sergeant-at-Arms Allen Gress — Secretary Sandor Gyarmati — Treasurer Bill Wood — Board member at large Brock Hutchison — Board member at large # There was a unanimous member vote to accept & welcome Don Weisel as a member of our club. #
It was noted that the Minerva Rotary Club has invited us to attend the Incredible Edible Auction Dec. 15, 7 am, RSVP required — call Theresa Under @ 330-205-5561. #
It was approved to purchase a Gold Leaf for Mike Yeagley’s devotion & work for the YMCA. #
The next Speaker Committee includes Amy Simkins, Jim Edwards and Sandor Gyarmati.
The Program John Taggart, owner of Straggat Media, presented the program of the day. Taggart’s company, founded in 2019 and located at 201 E. Main St. in Louisville, is a video streaming company that specializes in photography, videography, graphic design, advertising & news in for Eastern Stark County. Taggart’s company also does interviews, films and writes commercials for local businesses. He began his company with a live stream from the Stark County Fair and now broadcasts sports event, Second Fridays, parades and other community events. His company recently expanded into Marlboro Township. Interested persons can scan the company’s QR Code to access their social media. The company is now using Tube to broadcast. Watch Leopard Lair for Louisville sports with Mac Aljancic. Sometimes sports events are delayed broadcasting due to league rules or conflicts with other broadcast organizations. Now that the Herald is gone, the company is looking to take over with school news, and local news. He said “I'm working hard to promote Louisville High School sports.” The company can be reached at 234-214-3744 or on-line at thestraggatmedianetwork@gmail.com.
Submitted by Randy Starr & Allen Gress
Louisville Rotary Club
Meeting Minutes
December 13th, 2023
Our annual Christmas Party was held at Cynthia Kerchner's home. About 40 attended and the group had a great time.
Mark Sigler read his third poem of the year. He included all the Rotarian names in each poem.
Then we sang Carols and ended with Silent Night.
Thanks again Cynthia!
This was our final meeting of the year