Louisville Rotary Club
We meet Wednesday at noon in the downstairs at the Louisville Eagles,
306 W. Main St., Louisville, Ohio 44641
Mailing Address: P.O Box 170
Louisville, Ohio 44641
Phone 330-418-3375

The April 5th Louisville Rotary meeting was canceled due to Easter week.
Louisville Rotary Club
Meeting Minutes
April 12, 2023
Members were surprised, but happy that long-time member Don Marshall returned from an extended illness and lengthy recovery. His presence returned his humor and wit to the group conversation. Songmeister Mark Sigler led members in a gusto singing of For He’s A Jolly Good Fellow and Don showed off his current pompadour.
President Eva Roshong called the meeting to order with 22 persons in attendance that included guests Jennifer Anderson and Kirt Conrad. The menu of the day included hot dogs, and chili soup topped with a chocolate brownie. Following the meeting rituals — the prayer given by Paradise Pastor David Anderson, the Pledge of Allegiance and the Four-Test, Songmeister Mark led the singing of Happy Bus — a 1968 song by the British group The Who. This title was chosen to honor our speaker who is the CEO of SARTA.
Happy Dollars and Announcements *
Don Marshall announced I’m glad to be back! with heartfelt sincerity. *
Jim Dutter and Cynthia Kerchner discussed the first Second Friday of the summer season set for Friday the 14th. Volunteers are needed — be uptown at 4:30 for help setting up. Main Street will be closed at 4. The music includes the high school choirs from LHS, Marlington, and West Branch. The school buses and off loading will be in the St. Louis parking lot. The choirs will be finished by about 6:15. The evening’s music will be provided by The David Mayfield Parade Band and begins at 7. The race track will be on the St. Louis parking lot this year. There will be 10 food trucks this season. *
Jim Edwards spoke of the excitement of this year’s LHS baseball team. *
Glenn Heiller said the club was spending the $250 Rotary grand money to buy milkweed plants that would be scatter-planted in Metzger Park. Milkweeds are homes for butterflies. *
Eva announced that the April 26 meeting will be held in Unhitched Restaurant and will feature George Kiko who will talk about the YMCA-middle school & high school sidewalk project. *
Bob Hallier will chair a group that will prepare/repair the community vegetable gardens located behind the Lutheran Church. The need is for 3 or 4 hearty workers with shovels. The Saturday work date is to be determined soon. *
Eva said there is need for two chaperons for 8 students for the District exchanges students trip to New York city over the weekend of April 21. *
Nominations for the club’s next year VP are accepted by any Board member. The election will be the last meeting of April. *
Greg Anderson, the club’s Clean Trail Czar, reminded members the spring trail cleanup is scheduled for Saturday, April 22. Meet at Greg’s house at 9 for assignments.
The Program Kirt Conrad, the CEO/Executive Director for SARTA, introduced himself showing a sense of humor around an impressive knowledge of the company he directs. SARTA, (Stark Area Regional Transit Authority), is a public bus system servicing Stark County. In addition to its regular line service within Stark County, SARTA runs one bus route (with multiple times) between Canton and downtown Akron connecting to Akron's Metro bus system and also serving the Akron-Canton Regional Airport from both cities and one route to Cleveland[ . In 2022, the system had a ridership of 1,221,400, or about 4,900 per weekday as of the fourth quarter of 2022. SARTA's administrative office and bus garage are located in Canton. It is managed by CEO/Executive Director Kirt Conrad, as well as a 9-member board of trustees. SARTA is primarily funded by a county 0.25% sales tax which was first approved in 1997 and renewed in 2002, 2006 and 2011. Conrad said that public transportation in Stark County dates from the 1880s. Other facts: Founded in 1997, SARTA has 32 routes making 1,554 stops at four stations. Discussions of service in Wayne County which has a large amish population, is on the drawing board. They have a fleet of 80 vehicles that are some diesel, some diesel-electric, CNG and hydrogen fuel cell powered. Conrad said the system is moving toward all hydrogen fuel buses and that SARTA is the third largest company in the US that uses hydrogen fuel cell power. The other two companies are in California. When Amazon opens, the company will serve that business.
Upcoming Events & Menu
April 19 — Wally Anderson tells of his trip to Antarctica. Hot chicken sandwich, potato wedges and a fruit.
April 22 — Clean-up trail. All hands on deck!
April 26 — George Kiko speaks at Unhitched
May 3 — Business meeting
Louisville Rotary Club
Meeting Minutes
April 19, 2023
Nineteen members and two guests broke bread in the Fellowship Hall of Paradise Church for this meeting. The two guests were Dan Sudder and Wally Anderson.
President Eva Roshong opened the meeting with a prayer given by Paradise Pastor David Anderson with the Pledge of Allegiance and the Rotary Four-Way Test following. The special music was Baby it’s Cold Outside in honor for our program presenter.
Happy Dollars * Jim Dutter thanked all who work the season’s first Second Friday. He had special praise for Randy Starr who personally put away about 30 of the 40 new tables. He reminded members that the Stark Board of Directors was looking for Poll Workers. * Eva reminded members that there would be no trash pick-up this week as was scheduled. Instead, the pick-up is now slated for next Saturday morning April 29 when the weather will be more cooperative. Meet at Greg Anderson’s house at 9 for assignment. * Eva also mentioned that it would be nice if our club was represented at the District 6650 Conference June 16-17 at the Embassy Suites in Canton. * Eva reminded members of the request to refurbish vegetable growing boxes at the Lutheran Church located on Nickel Plate Street. She also said the District needed two drivers for the foreign student exchange program trip to New York City.
The Programs First report. Dan Sudder, a 10-year member of the Stark DD Board of Directors, spoke about their 3.3 mill renewal levy Issue 5 on the May 9th ballot. In making this request he reviewed the latest statistics that easily show the need. The Stark DD supports/helps over 4,000 persons. This is 756 more than 10 years ago with the same operating funds. There are currently 700 families with autistic members, and that is a growing area of need. The Stark DD provides service and support advocacy to safeguard the rights and protect the interests and choices of eligible individuals. Administrators also monitor and work closely with agencies and organizations that provide services to individuals with developmental disabilities and other developmental disabilities. Remember to vote May 9th!
Second Message. Wally Anderson, the visiting President of the Malvern Rotary Club, spoke about the trip he and his wife took to the Antartica Continent. His message was accompanied with beautiful slides he took of his trip. The Anderson’s boarded the ship in Argentina for their 40-hour trip. The ship was designed specially for these trips. A c c o r d i n g t o Anderson, Antarctica is the only continent without a native human population. It is governed by the 56 member Antarctic Treaty an agreement settled during the Cold War and set the continent as a scientific preserve with a freedom of scientific investigation and it pans any military activity. Its territory is defined as all the land and ice shelves south of 60 degrees latitude. The Antarctic Tready is administrated by a Secretariat headquartered in Buenos Aires, Argentina since 2004. The Andersons spent one night sleeping in a pitched tent on an iceberg but were not allowed a fire and were not allowed to leave anything behind. It was a vacation to remember!
Coming events and menus:
April 26 — George Kiko joins us for lunch at UnHitched. The sidewalk project.
April 29 — Clean-up the walking trails. Saturday 9 am. Meet at Greg Anderson’s home.
May 2 — Board meeting noon at the library.
May 3 — Business meeting. Sloppy Joe, chips, pie
May 10 — Chris Karras, new LHS football coach. Pizza, side salad, cupcake
Submitted by Allen Gress, Secretary
Louisville Rotary Club
Meeting Minutes
April 26, 2023
Moving off campus for a change of pace, this week’s luncheon meeting was held in the newly developed meeting room of Unhitched Restaurant. Twenty-five members and guests attended as President Eva Roshong opened the meeting with 25 persons in attendance including a number of guests. The guests included Doug Haines, representing the Louisville Public Schools, Jon Aljancic and Father Thomas Nebula, an interim priest for St. Louis Church. Following the usual opening rituals, Songmeister Sigler chose the group song Under the Boardwalk, a 1964 song by the Drifters. Unfortunately, that song was popular before some Rotary members were born, but in the spirit they sang along anyway. The song, incidentally, was to highlight the day’s topic of discussion — The sidewalk.
Happy Dollars * Cynthia Kerchner thanked those who helped the Second Friday with special thanks to Randy Starr for helping with the tables. She reminded everyone that the tribute band Journey was on tap to play for the May 2nd Second Friday. Cynthia recommends them. Jim Dutter reminded everyone to vote Tuesday May 9th. Barb DiJacimo requested help finding a host family for next year’s exchange student. We have been approved for one, she reported. Adam Longacre, the owner of Unhitched announced that there were plans to make a special pale ale that would be labeled Umbrella Alley. (We’re sure the ale is smooth and colorful) Longacre said he wanted local businesses to support the Alley. Eva announced that the annual banquet will be at the KMG Building as it was last year.
The Program George Kiko was the speaker with a request for Rotary involvement in a special project. Among other activities, George is a member of the YMCA board, and is a township trustee, but really he was there supporting an idea that benefits many residents. The idea is build sidewalks from the middle and high schools to the YMCA. It goes without saying there are no direct sidewalks for high school students or the middles school kids. The walks would be five feet wide so mowers & snow removal equipment can operate. The estimated cost is about $36,000 and George asked the Rotary to be the lead organization. “When the new library opens, we’ll have a lot more student traffic,” he said. Mr. Kiko answered a few questions from the floor, and was well-received. The Rotary Board of Directors will take up the request at their monthly Board meeting Tuesday, May 2.
Coming Events & Luncheon Menus
April 29 — Walking trail clean-up.
May 2 — Board meeting, Louisville Library, noon.
May 3 — Business meeting. Budget approval and next year’s officer slate is up for approval. Sloppy joe sandwich, chips & pie.
May 10 — Chris Karras, LHS football coach. Go Leps! Pizza, side salad and cupcake.
Submitted by Allen Gress, Secretary
Louisville Rotary Club
Meeting Minutes
May 3, 2023
Nineteen members and one guest were present in the Fellowship Hall of Paradise Church for the May 3 business meeting. Megan Demos was our welcomed guest. (She helped with the seal & stamp project before the meeting — thanks!). Pastor David Anderson gave the prayer, the Four-Way Test was recited as was the Pledge of Allegiance. Songmeister Mark Sigler lead the group singing of Turn, Turn, Turn (To Everything There is a Season) a 1965 song recorded by The Byrds.
Happy Dollars * Cynthia Kerchner said all hands on deck for the Second Friday activities the 12th for set-up. The band Journey may need some assistance for their lighting and sound. Be there at 4. The band plays from 5 till 8. Market Days will begin June 9th.
On With Club Business 1. President Eva and Barb DiJacimo presented the 2023-24 budget for discussion and questions. There were a few tweaks from this year’s budget. A summary of the financial data for this year shows total income to be $47,800 with total expenses to be $47,615. Most of the line items stay within budget. Most changes were additions to several line items including: Pancake day + $500. Requested sales cost to be rated. TBD later. Add a new Service committee as a line item w/ budget of $1,000. Total awards & grants $21,235. Raise price of luncheon meals from $9 to $10. Banquets & volunteer meals decrease from $1,800 to $1,000. Volunteer recognition decrease from $2,000 to $1,500. Attendance at district & state conferences/training. $1,500. Increase funding for RYLA & World Affairs Seminar. Move amount to $1,700. The members shall vote on the new budget during our next regular meeting May 10th. II. Approved the 2023-24 officer & board candidates including: *
President — Barb DiJacimo *
President-Elect — Randy Starr *
Vice President — Jim Dutter *
Secretary — Allen Gress *
Treasurer — Bob Hallier *
Sergeant-At-Arms —
Glenn Heiller * Board member —
Josephine Wade *
Board member — Brock Hutchinson *
Board member-Past President — Eva Roshong
III. The Sidewalk Project. Regarding a project suggested by George Kiko, after spirited discussion the members agreed with a unanimous vote to offer a challenge to match up to $17,500 for the estimated $35,000 cost of new sidewalks from both the middle and high schools to the YMCA. Currently students must walk through grass, weeds, mud and pools of water to travel back and forth.
IV. The annual dinner will be held the last Wednesday evening of June at the KMG building (The same venue we used last year). The $200 rental fee will include tables and chairs. Denny Valentine will explore a possible caterer. Eva hopes will can use a local vendor. All non-member flag volunteers will be invited and Glenn Heiller will contact them with the invitations.
V. Eva invited members to attend the District conference scheduled for June 16-17 at the Canton Embassy Suite. Eva will attend and expressed hope that other members would join her. Eva will be inducted as the Assistant Governor for next year, a first for our club in modern history.
VI. We will have a foreign exchange student for next school year. Host families are needed so put out the word.
Coming Events & Lunch Menus
May 10 — LHS football coach Chris Karras. Visitors are welcome and at least a half dozen guests have already registered. Pizza, side salad & cupcake
May 12 — Second Friday
May 18 — High school teacher Jeff Hoffman. (I have worked with him in the past, he is a very good speaker). Chef Salad, roll & butter, ice cream bar. Appendix The lyrics for Turn, Turn, Turn, written by Pete Seeger, may offer pause for all of us. Al To everything turn, turn, turn There is a season turn, turn, turn And a time to every purpose under Heaven A time to be born, a time to die A time to plant, a time to reap A time to kill, a time to heal A time to laugh, a time to weep To everything turn, turn, turn There is a season turn, turn, turn And a time to every purpose under Heaven A time to buid up, a time to break down A time to dance, a time to mourn A time to cast away stones A time to gather stones together To everything turn, turn, turn There is a season turn, turn, turn And a time to every purpose under Heaven A time of love, a time of hate A time of war, a time of peace A time you may embrace.
Louisville Rotary Club
Meeting Minutes
May 10, 2023
Perhaps this meeting was one of the best attended of any in recent history. Twenty Rotarians and 14 guests were present to meet and hear Chris Kappas, Louisville High School’s new football coach. By all comments, they left feeling confident that he is a wise choice and our football program is in good hands. President Eva Roshong got the meeting going with a prayer, the usual Pledge of Allegiance and the Four Way Test. There was no singing as Songmeister Mark Sigler was unable to be there. Happy Dollars * Cynthia Kerchner was first up with a strong request for all hands on deck for this Second Friday celebration. Beginning at 5, with setup help needed at 4:00, the Journey tribute band will provide outstanding entertainment. More food trucks and Umbrella Alley will be colorful. Help is needed to assemble the 40 tables that were constructed for the downtown events. “There is plenty to do,” she stressed. Also in her message was a reminder that next month is the beginning of the farmers markets that will run every month through September in the St. Louis Church parking lot. *
Ken Willet volunteered to be a host family for our next year’s foreign exchange student. He also announced that he had two free tickets for a Pittsburg Pirates home game and offered them for this year’s exchange student. * Josephine Wade said there would be a kiddie park Friday for children ages 2 to 4. Bring your child to the St. Louis Church playground for good care and fun for them. In another announcement, she noted that the playground was OK for drinking beer. * Speaking of drinking beer, Eva announced there would be a social get together Wednesday, May 31 at Bud’s Corner beginning at 5.
The Program Hired in January, Louisville’s new football coach Chris Kappas’ first duty, according to the Coach, is to change the thinking that LHS needs to lighten its football schedule. “We face five Federal League teams in a row, and all I’ve heard since arriving is to lighten our schedule . . . I say to that bring em on!” When listening to the Coach, his duty as a high school football coach is to build character and develop a work ethic in young men. To accomplish this, Coach Kappas has developed a list of Core Values he calls Code Blue. The Code is six values his players will follow: Commitment Relentlessness Unselfishness Toughness Integrity Loyalty Coach Kappas said his program goals are to develop men of character and make them servant leaders, men who strive in adversity, but stay hungry after success and to develop men with a dominant mindset. Kappas hails from the Pittsburgh suburb North Hills High School and played college football a Mount Union University under Coach Larry Kehres who coached at Mt. Union from 1986 to 2012. Kappas gives credit to Kehres for giving him the basis for his coaching philosophy. Coach Kappas spent eight years coaching at Mt. Union — 2014-2016 and 2019-’20 for coordinators for different positions. It should be noted that the Purple Raiders made the Division III championship games four times while he was assistant coach there. He takes over the Louisville football program that has gone 7-22 over the past three years. Prior to that Louisville was one of the more successful schools in Ohio in football. The Leopard’s last winning season was a 6-4 record in 2018. The new Coach said he expects to win every game and promises this “Our guys will be prepared!” For game strategy he said that the player talent will dictate the offense. “We may have two tight ends or develop a spread offense sometimes.” In closing his message he said, “Our program will teach kids to be leaders . . . Mediocrity is not acceptable. Being proud is important. Today only sports and the church teach life values. This is my call to you — hold players to be accountable . . . I want positivity and I you (adults) to buy into our program.” Coach Kappas received his BA degree at Mount Union and earned a master’s degree at Bowling Green. While at Mt. Union, Chris and his wife made their home in Louisville. They are most welcome back.
Coming Events & Lunch menus
May 17 — LHS teacher Jeff Hoffman. — Chef salad, roll & butter, ice cream bar
May 24 — Aran to speak about her year in America. Corn dog, macaroni salad, fruit
May 31 — Club social at Bud’s Corner.
Submitted by Allen Gress, Secretary
Louisville Rotary Club
Meeting Minutes
May 17, 2023
Eighteen members and four guests were in attendance for the meeting chaired by President Eva Roshong. Following the usual Rotary rituals, Eva introduced the four visiting LHS students who are members of teacher Jeff Hoffman’s engineering classes. Gracie McCoy, James Barrett, Luke Miller and Jackson Contruicci each introduced themselves and added to Mr. Hoffman’s presentation. Happy Dollars * Bob Hallier thanked fellow members who assisted with restructuring planting boxes for the Community Cupboard. * Cynthia Kerchner, who stayed downtown on site of Second Friday activities from 4 until closing at 10, thanked those who helped set up for last week’s ceremonies. For those who participated it was clear Cynthia took the program’s leadership role. Thanks Cynthia. Your leadership has not gone unnoticed. * Our proposed middle school, high school, YMCA sidewalk project was tabled.
The Program Jeff Hoffman, a skilled teacher who teaches such classes as wood shop, home maintenance, CAD drawing and those manual arts programs, shared how the request for tables was filled and how it fit into an educational curriculum. The Downtown Committee asked him to construct 40 stand-up tables for use during community festivals and activities. With both a Rotary donation of $2,000 and a generous gift from Dr. Mike Thomas, the project was completed. The tables have separate legs and tops for easy storage, were designed and built by the students. Cost of the project was about $5,800. The students were excited with their project. The learning including such activities as drafting, art, cutting with power saw, assembling plumbing (the legs and feet are 2” steel piping that fasten into bolted holders). The project was completed with three coats sprayed on by the students. “In this class, I come up with an idea, explained Hoffman, “and the students through study and trial and error, find a workable solution. My students need to understand there is nothing wrong with failure in trying,” he continued, using the trial and error of Thomas Edison many inventions. Hoffman’s classes are open to any grade level student.
Upcoming Events & Luncheon Menus
May 24 — Aran, our foreign exchange student from Spain, will share her experiences in the USA. Corn dog, macaroni salad, fruit.
May 31 — Social event at Bud’s Corner.
June 11 — Farewell party for Aran 3-5 at Beach of Hope Church.
June 28 — Year end annual dinner at KMG building.
Submitted by Allen Gress, Secretary
Appendix Al’s muses >>>. . . Nothing important for Rotary Business During my high school years at LHS between 1953 & 1957, my mother insisted that I take a class in typing. I was one of only two boys in the typing class that had 25 or so girls. Hey, I passed with a C. As an elective I also took a class in mechanical drawing. Why do I tell you this? Because I use these learned skills almost every day of my life. Why are such classes downplayed and lack the support of some administrators in today’s school curriculums? Just a thought
Louisville Rotary Club
Meeting Minutes
May 24, 2023
Seventeen members and three guests were present to hear a department message from our foreign exchange student Arantxa Garcia-Orozco. She will be leaving Louisville the second week in June. President-Elect Barb DiJacimo hosted for Eva Roshong who was on a well-deserved vacation. Paster David Anderson gave the opening prayer, and the Pledge of Allegiance & Four-Way Test were completed. The two visitors included Mr. and Mrs. Adkins, Aran’s host family, and Josephine Wade’s daughter Emily. Happy Dollars * Glenn Heiller was proud to announce that his grandson graduated from the University of Minnesota and a granddaughter graduated from high school. * Joanie Aljancic countered by telling that her oldest granddaughter was getting married in Orlando, Florida. * Glenn also requested help in posting the 50 flags in the downtown Green Space. (Ten persons responded and the flags were waving in the wind in about 15 minutes.) Short Business Barb passed around a sign-up sheet for the HOF luncheon on June 6. She casually mentioned that we still need a host family for next year’s incoming exchange student. “Spread the word, please,” she announced.
The Program Using a slide presentation, Aran introduced her father, an architect; her mother who owns a grocery store, and pictures of her friends. Her home, we found out, is in the City of Denia, on the coast of the eastern Mediterranean Sea. Aran told us she loves the beach and enjoys ballet and has hopes of becoming a nurse after four more years of schooling. She will begin her college studies this fall. When she arrives home, one of her first duties is to obtain her driver’s license for in Spain, youth must be 18 to drive. However, she does have a driver’s license to pilot a motorcycle which is allowed at an earlier age. Aran said in Spain there is an $800 fee to get a driver’s license. She said there is no curfew for young people in Spain. According to Aran, guns are outlawed in Spain. Bull fighting is still a national sport and New Year’s Eve is a big holiday. But you will not see a lot of flags in Spain. While in she found out she liked pizza, oreos and and eating at the Dairy Queen. Aran mentioned just a few of the many memories she had including: her 1st football game, the Homecoming Dance, the Heart’s Dance and the prom, her birthday party, Halloween, trips to New York City, Niagara Falls, Disney World and her monthly get togethers with other District exchange students. Aran answered some questions from the group and gave a sincere thanks to the club for sponsoring her and extra thanks to the Adkins family — “I could not have had a better family,” she said. “This year has really flown by.” There will be a farewell party for Aran Sunday afternoon, June 11 from 3-5 at the Beacon of Hope Church. The public is invited.
Upcoming Events & Luncheon Menus
June 7 — Business Meeting
June 11 — Aran’s farewell party.
June 14 — Hall of Fame luncheon and program. Members need to sign-up by deadline June 6 as the club needs to pre-pay.
June 16-17 — District 6650 Conference meeting, Canton Embassy Suites.
June 28 — Annual banquet at the KMG building. (Where we met last year.)
Submitted by Allen Gress, Secretary
Louisville Rotary Club
Meeting Minutes
June 6, 2023
President Eva Roshong opened the June business meeting held in Fellowship Hall of Paradise Church with 19 members and one guest present. Aran, our exchange student, was the guest for her last meeting before returning to Spain. Paradise Pastor David Anderson gave the opening prayer, Eva led the Pledge of Allegiance and the Four-Way Test. Songmeister Mark Sigler, a human encyclopedia of rock music, lead us in 1973 song Takin’ Care of Business, by the rock group Bachman-Turner Overdrive.
Happy Dollars * Barb DiJacimo invited members to attend the school levy committee meeting 6:30 Monday, June 12. * Randy Starr reminded all that next week’s meeting would be held at the Football Hall of Fame’s Nash Center. Cost is $15 and also includes entrance to the Hall. Randy is encouraging members to invite family and friends. * Eva proxied for Cynthia Kerchner and reminded members their help was needed to set up this year’s Farmers Market. Be there at 3:30. Her reminder was “Get the signs out!” * Jim Edwards said we now have 1,360 flag patrons. Not bad and the club has now done the flag leasing for 15 years. Eva reminded members to attend the District 6650 conference held in Canton this coming Friday & Saturday, June 16 & 17. Also there is a farewell party for Aran Sunday afternoon from 3 to 5 at the Beacon of Hope Church.
Other Club Business # Barb announced we have been assigned a foreign exchange student for the 2023-2024 school year. The student’s name is Helene Becker, and she hails from Germany. Her American hosts are the Lizer & Willett families. # Eva informed members our club is the recipient of a $250 grant for the purchase of butterfly plants which will be planted by members in Metzger Park. # The membership accepted the 2023-24 club budget with a unanimous vote. The total expense package is over $50,000, the highest in our club’s history. We will sponsor a queen for the Constitution Festival this September. Interested candidates should contact a Rotarian. # The change for the School-YMCA-Rotary project was explained and approved. The club’s total financial contribution for the project is a grant of $17,500. It is hoped the sidewalks will be in by the August school opening. #
The next quarterly program committee of Glenn Heiller, Jim Edwards, Pat Fallot and Jim Dutton has been formed and will take over duties in July.
Coming Events
June 14 — Hall of Fame luncheon.
June 21 — Julie Dominic from Mercy Occupational Therapy
June 28 — Annual banquet.
July — 4-5 — No Board meeting or regular business meeting. Have a happy Fourth of July.
Submitted by Allen Gress, Secretary
Louisville Rotary Club
Meeting Minutes
June 14, 2023
Randy Starr made it happen and we’re all pleased he did! This week’s meeting was held in one of the new conference rooms at the Football Hall of Fame. Randy volunteers at the HOF and he knew how to arrange for this luncheon meeting and the opportunity to tour the display area. With the accompaniment of some family members, over 30 persons enjoyed a buffet meal with menu of baked chicken, side salad and rigatoni with chocolate cake for dessert. The meal was special and entire sports environ was unique, but the really special part of the program was the presentation of Rich Desrosiers, the Chief Communications Officer for the HOF. Kicking off at 12 noon, Club President Eva Roshong led members through the opening rituals following a prayer given by Mark Sigler. Mark, who is now and will be forever, the club’s Songmeister. In honor of this Flag Day, with his usual energy Mark lead the singing of It’s a Grand Old Flag. Happy Dollars and Club Business Eva thanked Pat Fallot, Jim Dutter, Glenn Heiller and Randy Starr for volunteering to be the club’s Committee for the next 6 months. Eva also gave a plug for the Chamber of Commerce’s Chamber Fest planned for Fri. & Sat. June 23 & 24 at Metzger Park. Please note there will be a fireworks show at dusk Saturday. (Nobody can complain that there is nothing going on in Louisville this summer).
The Program I have a confession — I got so caught up in Rich Desrosiers’ message I didn’t take notes and there was too much information for this old memory. The following, with some editing, is from Wikipedia. — AG The Pro Football Hall of Fame honors professional American football and is located in Canton. Opened on Sept. 7, 1963, the HOF enshrines exceptional figures in the sport, including players, coaches, officials, franchise owners and front-office personnel, almost all of whom made contributions to the game. As of the Class of 2023, there are a total of 371 members of the HOF. Between 4 and 9 new inductees are normally enshrined every year. The Chicago Bears have the most inductees, with 30. Canton successfully lobbied the NFL to have the Hall of Fame built citing three reasons. First, the NFL was founded in Canton on Sept. 17, 1920, (at that time it was known as the American Professional Football Association). Second, the now-defunct Canton Bulldogs were a successful pro football team and the NFL's first repeat champion (in 1922 and 1923). Third, the Canton community held a fundraising effort that garnered nearly $400,000 (equivalent to $2,784,000 in 2021) to get the Hall of Fame built. Groundbreaking for the building was held on Aug.11, 1962 and the HOF was opened to the public on Sept. 7, 1963. The original building contained just 2 rooms, and 19,000 sq. ft. of interior space. In April 1970, ground was broken for the first of many expansions. This first expansion cost $620,000, and was completed on May 10, 1971.The size was increased to 34,000 sq. ft. by adding another room. The pro shop opened with this expansion. This was also an important milestone for the Pro Football Hall of Fame, as yearly attendance passed the 200,000 mark for the first time. This was at least in some part due to the increase in popularity of professional football caused by the advent of the American Football League and its success in the final two AFL-NFL World Championship games. Nov. 1977, work began on another expansion project, costing $1,200,000. It was completed in Nov. 1978, enlarging the gift shop and research library, while doubling the size of the theater. The total size of the hall was now 50,500 sq. ft., more than 2.5 times the original size. The building remained largely unchanged until July 1993. The Hall then announced another expansion, costing $9,200,000, and adding a fifth room. This expansion was completed on Oct. 1, 1995, and increased the building's size to 82,307 sq. ft. The most notable addition was the GameDay Stadium, which shows an NFL Films production on a 20-by-42-foot Cinemascope screen. In 2013, the Hall of Fame completed its largest expansion and renovation to date; the total size of the hall at 118,000 sq. ft. The enshrinement ceremony is the main event of the annual Enshrinement Week that kicks off every NFL season. The celebration is held in Canton, throughout the week surrounding the enshrinement ceremony. All members of the Hall of Fame are invited to attend the annual ceremony. Enshrinees do not go into the Pro Football Hall of Fame as a member of a certain team. Rather, all of an enshrinee's affiliations are listed equally. While the Baseball Hall of Fame plaques generally depict each of their inductees wearing a particular club's cap (with a few exceptions), the bust sculptures of each Pro Football Hall of Fame inductee make no reference to any specific team. In addition to the bust that goes on permanent display at the Hall of Fame, inductees receive a distinctive Gold Jacket, and previous inductees nearly always wear theirs when participating at the new inductee ceremonies. Previous induction ceremonies were held during the next day (Sunday from 1999–2005, Saturday in 2006), situated on the steps of the Hall of Fame building. Starting in 2002, the ceremony was moved to Fawcett Stadium (now Tom Benson Hall of Fame Stadium), where it was held from 1963 to 1965. Since 2007, the enshrinement ceremony has been held on the Sat. night, since 2017 two days after the Hall of Fame Game. In 2022, the ceremony was moved to noon. Mr. Desrosiers has shown himself to be an outstanding storyteller and his stories had to bring some listeners close to tears. The speaker used several small film clips to add color to his narrative and believe me, watching a 350 pound defensive lineman break into tears when notified of his induction — what feeling! Desrosiers sprinkled his message with personal stories with love, humor and insight into the human character. We are fortunate to have HOF, this world attraction in our backyards.
Submitted by Allen Gress, Secretary and Wikipedia
Louisville Rotary Club
Meeting Minutes
June 21, 2023
This will be President Eva’s last regular meeting as our leader. In her message was a listing of the club’s impressive accomplishments over the past 12 months. Eva concluded with a sincere “Thank you everyone for a great year!” And it was a great year! Paradise Pastor David Anderson gave the opening prayer and Eva followed by leading the Pledge of Allegiance and the Rotary Four-Way Test. Songmeister Mark Sigler didn’t disappoint us as he resurrected an old pop song by the 1990s rock group Foo Fighters. (Sorry, I didn’t catch the title). There were 19 persons in attendance including Jennifer Gress, Al’s daughter, who was visiting from California. Happy Dollars * Randy Starr made a last second pitch for the club’s banquet at the KMG Building. A “last time” sign-up sheet was passed around. Date: Wednesday, June 28. 6 o’clock. Janet Creighton will be the speaker. * Eva said our club had a great showing at last weekend’s district meeting held in Canton. Eight members attended. “We had more members there than any other club,” she said. The Program Pat Fallot gave a brief introduction for the day’s speaker; Julie Dominik said she would introduce herself. She is employed by the Cleveland Clinic Mercy Hospital as an Occupational Therapist. Julie is also a certified Driver Rehab Specialist and is a licensed driving instructor for disabled persons. She also works with the Stark County Sheriff’s Office. Julie’s focus today was safe driving, especially for older persons. “Driving is often the hardest change for older persons,” she explained. Julie listed the changes that occur in the aging process that include: Vision, flexibility, hearing, fatigue, slower processing changes, medicine affects and other medical concerns. “Your quality of life should be a priority,” she said. “When driving long distances, shift drivers, get out and stretch and use less traveled roads or driving when there is less traffic.” Other tips she gave were to avoid distractions, avoid extreme weather, wear the seat belt. “Drivers should be able to see the tires on the cars in front of you,” she advised. “Don’t make other drivers angry,” Drivers should keep their speed within 5 mph over or under the posted speed limits. The meeting adjourned at 1:09.
What’s Coming? and Luncheon Menus
June 28 — Annual banquet and installation of 2023—’24 officers.
July 4 - 5 — No meetings. Have a Happy Fourth of July!
Submitted by Allen Gress, Secretary