Louisville Rotary Club
We meet Wednesday at noon in the downstairs at the Louisville Eagles,
306 W. Main St.., Louisville, Ohio 44641
Mailing Address: P.O Box 170
Louisville, Ohio 44641
Phone 330-418-3375
Louisville Rotary Meetings 2019
2nd Quarter
PAGE DOWN - to get to the NEWER minutes!
Louisville Rotary Club
April 17, 2019
Meeting Minutes
Club President Bob Hallier brought the meeting to order at 12:35 following a delicious soup & salad meal prepared by the kitchen staff of Paradise Church. After the usual traditions to begin a meeting, Songmeister Mark Sigler led the singing of Hippity, Hoppity Down the Bunny Trail to honor the coming of Easter. There were 17.persons present including three guests. Cliff Varian, the day's program presenter, Cortney Haines, Child Care Director for the Louisville YMCA, and Travis Kelly, from Commonwealth Bank, were welcomed guests. Varian hails from East Canton and Kelly calls Louisville home.
Club Business
President Bob shared the story of the $35,000 check presentation at last Monday's city council meeting with four Rotarians attending. (Four?) He also announced that the Encino Company, who bought out Chesapeake, wanted two flags for the front of their offices on Commerce Drive.
Happy Dollars
* Justin Kuhn is blessed for the arrival of April 16, the end of this year's open tax season.
* Jim Edwards brought with him $10,000 in checks turn over to the treasurer for the club's 2019 flag leasing program.
* Ron Derry is happy because his wife Betty is happy because of a great Easter egg hunt.
* Paster David announced the church's Quarter Auction to be held Saturday, April 27. All are invited.
The Program
Cliff Varian presented an interesting and informative program outlining the KidWatch program held in Paradise Church. Varian, who holds a master's degree in early childhood education, is a Malone College graduate. He is the Head Master of the pre-school program that now enrolls 200 pre-schoolers. He is also works with his family in their apple orchard business in East Canton. The orchard, begun in 1914 by Cliff's great-grandfather is also a venue for weddings and held 50 weddings last year. KidWatch, a ministry of Paradise Church, has 11 staff members. We're a pre-school program that meets three hours a day, he explained, this is not a drop-off school. We're working with the other pre-school programs in the community. Varian said the school is teaching foundations with a lot of repetition. The children also have a chapel session two days a week. We're looking forward to our summer program, he said. This summer we have 10 week themed summer camps. Kidwatch has a scholarship program for those families who need help. Varian is also instituting Smart Care, an ap for smart phones that allows parents to communicate with the school easily and actually see what is going on in the classroom. We work closely with the Louisville Public Library, he said. Eight of their students attend the Louisville Public Schools in the a.m. and KidWatch in the afternoon. Kidwatch has a Facebook page.
The Rotarians were impressed with Cliff's background and his enthusiasm for this program open to the community.
Coming Events:
April 24 - Trail clean-up after lunch.
April 30 - Board meeting, noon, Uptown Joes
May 1 - Business meeting
May 6 - Capstone project at the high school. �
The meeting adjourned at 12:58.
Submitted by Allen Gress, Secretary
Louisville Rotary club
May 1, 2019
Meeting Minutes
President Bob Hallier chaired the noon luncheon Rotary business meeting held in the Fellowship Hall of Paradise Church with 14 members and four guests present. Paradise Pastor David Anderson gave the prayer, the group pledged the flag and recited the Rotary Four-Way Test. Guests included Joel Dunbar, a visitor from California, Ann Davis, a 1970 LHS gradate who was a Rotary exchange student that year, Lauren Dalper, owner of the uptown photography studio, and Megan who is a new executive for Green Meadows. Sadly, there was no song.
Happy Dollars
1. Cynthia Kerchner praised a letter to the editor of the Herald regarding Rotary's gift to the city that will result in a splash park She also asked for help with the first Farmer's Market the first Saturday of the month and running from 9 till 1. .
2. Ken Willet shared his excitement that his son who is graduating from LHS this spring has received a track scholarship to attend Malone University.
3. Ken Smith congratulated Pastor David for running and completing the 26.2-mile Hall of Fame Marathon last week. David received a round of applause from the group.
4. Bill Wood is excited to be leaving for Florida to visit his daughter.
The Business
* Allen Gress gave a preview of our new History of Rotary book. It is finished, paid for and will be plateside at the Rotary banquet in June. Al said he has plans to send a copy to Wendy Jackson to tempt her to come back for the banquet. Other plans are to get copies to the Historical Society, the library, council members, township officials and to keep copies so that every prospective member gets a copy. He also had the idea for the club's 100th anniversary coming in just six years 2025. He will put the book on a thumb drive and for the centennial, write a 6-year chapter and tack it onto the end, update the picture file and walls one of the centennial projects is done.
* President Bob reviewed the 2019-20 budget and the club made a few tweaks. More was allotted for RYLA and for the foreign exchange program. The club also discussed the Short-term exchange program, something new for us. There are three LHS students in that program for this summer. Bob asked for new ideas for fund raising. Some response was to continue the projects we have on the books and work to improve them.
* We are short 3 drivers for the flag posting. Please help us!
Coming events:
May 7 - Board meeting at Uptown Joes. Gress cannot attend because it is election day and he is a poll worker.
May 8 - A representative of Congressman Gibbs. Some questions we might consider: What's congress doing about health care insurance? When will the boarder crisis be settled? What's America's role in the Venezuela conflict?
May 14 - Historical Society banquet. All are expected to attend.
May 15 - No meeting due to everyone having attended the Tuesday dinner.
Submitted by Allen Gress, Secretary
Louisville Rotary Club
May 8, 2019
Meeting minutes
President Bob Hallier chaired the noon Rotary meeting held in the old kitchen of Paradise Church with 19 members including three guests present. Paradise Pastor David Anderson gave his usual power prayer, the group pledged the flag and recited the Rotary Four-Way Test. Sadly, there was no song singing, but Songmeister Mark Sigler asked for prayers for a Louisville person who has recently been diagnosed with esophageal cancer.
Happy Dollars
1. Al Gress gave a pitch for the rummage sale now ongoing at Paradise Church. He reminded members that another's junk can become someone's treasurer.
2. Ron Derry, standing in for wife Betty, reminded members that the Historical Society's banquet will be Tuesday and all Rotarians should attend.
3. Denny Valentine shared his excitement for the last weekend he spent at Gettysburg National Cemetery and site of the decisive Civil War battle.
4. Bob Hallier admitted to now cooking meals as his wife is home from knee surgery.
5. Victoria VanBuskirk, representing Congressman Bob Gibbs, attended the meeting and brought a Taylor Swift tee-shirt for Mark Sigler. The size M shirt may present a problem for Mark but Mark's reputation for his love of singing has now extended all the way to Washington, D.C.
Club Business
* Jared Shive shared his experience presenting plaques at the recent LHS Music Awards banquet where he presented the two awards the club has sponsored for the last 50 years or so.
* President Bob announced plans to honor three volunteer flag drivers at the banquet. The three will be nominated by Glenn Heilier. Also, Bob announced that the Boy Scouts have requested financial help for a few scouts that cannot afford attending
* summer camp. No action was taken.!
The Program
Janelle Lee presented an enlightening summation of The 2017 Strengthening Stark Report that was developed and paid for by the Stark Community Foundation on behalf of the Stark Civic Group. The Civic group is an informal group of leaders representing all sections of the county. The report examined the demographic and economic trends and projections of Stark County with the goal to strengthen the county's economic base. The report contains seven focus areas and 22 initiatives aimed at moving the county from a smaller, older and poorer community into a larger, younger and more prosperous community. the seven focus areas in the report include Governance, Workforce, Business Retention 8 Expansion, Business Attraction, Entrepreneurship, Infrastructure, and Community Engagement and Community Engagement Outreach. "We're consultants funded by several Stark County groups," Lee said. One of the group's first successes is establishing a Jobs Date base bringing all the jobs in Stark County on-line.
Ms. Lee was hired less than a year ago with the purpose of developing and implementing the initiatives listed in the report. Representatives on the committee or consultants included persons from local businesses, industry, the seven Stark colleges or universities, community leaders and elected officials
Coming events:
May 14 - Historical Society banquet. All are expected to attend.
May 15 - No meeting due to everyone having attended the Tuesday dinner.
May 22 - Sigrid's parents. Flag posting the 22nd & 23rd.
Submitted by Allen Gress Secretary
Louisville Rotary Club
May 22, 2019
Meeting minutes
Club President Bob Hallier brought the meeting to order at 12:35 following a delicious meatloaf, cheese potatoes and green bean meal prepared by the kitchen staff of Paradise Church. Pastor David Anderson gave a prayer, the club pledged allegiance to the flag and repeated the Rotary Four-Way Test. There was no song. President Bob welcomed eight guests who joined the 19 Rotarians for the session. Joe Morgan, the new administrator at Oak Hill Nursing facility was a guest. Joe is a member of the Warren Rotary Club. Also visiting was Marc J. Cook, recently moved to Louisville and has been a Director of Boy Scouts of America. Other guests will be mentioned as part of the day's program.
Happy Dollars
* Cynthia Kerchner reminded everyone the first Farmer's Market of the year was set for Saturday June 1 from 9 till 1. "Get people there!", she said. There is no fee for vendors. The club will sell delicious hot dogs with chips and drinks.
* Ann Davis is excited about the opportunity to be a host parent for our next exchange student, Gabe, who hails from Chili. He is coming in mid-August in time for the start of the school year.
* Jen Anderson is pleased to have completed an organizer program for the YMCA.
* President Bob is pleased to announce that his wife is progressing after surgery and he no longer has to do the cooking.
The Program
Exchange student Sigrid Skaar presented a photo tour of Norway, her homeland. Her parents and older sister Ingrid were visiting America and were special guests for the meeting. Having attended Louisville High School for the entire school year, Sigrid has now completed the year and will be off visiting Hawaii and points west until she returns home sometime at the end of June. Sigrid began her presentation with a geography lesson of Norway and her home at Borgan, a 30-minute drive from the country's capital, Oslo. Her parents are both professionals and were complimentary of the club and Sigrid's host parents. Sigrid, who played both volleyball and basketball, said she enjoyed the football games, the Rotary overnighters and the many friends she made. She also enjoyed her first Thanksgiving and Rotary-sponsored trips to Washington, D.C. and New York City. Sigrid also enjoyed the high school prom. She found food portions too large and was surprised that homes here had carpet on the floors, but overall she said that people are a lot the same. She enjoyed living in a diverse culture. The food she disliked was Mac & cheese, but her favorites were burgers and Mexican dishes.
Her father closed the session with complimentary words about the people in Louisville and thanked the club for sponsoring Sigrid.
Upcoming events:
May 29 - Meeting with program TBA
June 1 - Farmer's Market 9-1
June 4 - Rotary Board meeting - noon
June 5 - Business meeting
June 12 - Encino Company presentation
June 19 - Annual Banquet at Skyland Pines
The meeting adjourned at 12:58.
Submitted by Allen Gress, Secretary
Our guests from Norway, Ingrid, Tona, Sigrid, and Bjorn Skaar:
Louisville Rotary Club
May 29, 2019
Meeting Minutes
Club President Bob Hallier brought the meeting to order. Seventeen members attended including a new member, Joe Morgan. Joe is transferring membership from the Warren Rotary Club. Pastor David Anderson gave a prayer, the club pledged allegiance to the flag and repeated the Rotary Four-Way Test. There was a song led by Songmeister Mark Sigler.
Happy Dollars
* Cynthia Kerchner reminded everyone the first Farmer's Market of the year was set for this Saturday from 9 till 1. "Get people there!", she said. "And you guys be there, too. She suggested Rotarians to arrive early and help vendors set up."
* Jim Edwards announced that we have 1061 paid flags. Last year we had 1124. Jim said we always pick up customers after the first posting.
* Betty Derry said she was pleased with the turnout for the Veterans Memorial and reminded Rotarians of the Friday Fun Day sponsored by the Chamber of Commerce.
* President Bob is pleased to announce that his granddaughter graduated from Louisville Elementary School.
The Program
President Bob took the occasion to talk to the club about some issues he felt needed discussed. Issue One was a question Do members wish to get involved with District and National Rotary activities? The response was a weak yes . . . but? Bob.will work to see all members receive the numerous emails he receives as President from other clubs and from the District officer.
Issue two was participation in the Military Veteran's Family rehab farm on Meese Road. He read a long list of possible projects we could either support financially or roll up our sleeves and work. There was never mention of NOT being involved, but there were questions about what exactly is going on because we have little knowledge of their current operations. Bob suggested we invite one of the persons that work there to present a meeting for that information, and we all agreed that was a good idea.
The third issue was Rotarians supporting the Farmer's Market project. "We need to volunteer to help," he reiterated. "And wear your Rotary shirts!."
The last issue was our support of Constitutional Week activities. We have been giving them $2,000 to use as they see fit. It was agreed that we should continue that donation.
We probably will have three new members and we will have a formal induction as part of the banquet program.
Upcoming Events
June 1 - Farmers Market 9 - 1
June 4 - Board meeting - noon at Uptown Joes.
June 5 - Regular business meeting
June 12 - A representative from Encino, one of the oil businesses in the township.
June 19 - Annual banquet at Skyland. (All guests will receive - hot off the presses - the latest, up to date, story of the Louisville Rotary Club 1925 to 2019. This book is well worth the cost of the meal. Copies are limited, so be sure to attend.
Submitted by,
Allen Gress, your loyal secretary
Louisville Rotary Club
June 5, 2019
Meeting Minutes
Club President Bob Hallier brought the meeting to order with 14 members present including new member, Joe Morgan, who is transferring membership from the Warren Rotary Club. Pastor David Anderson gave a prayer, the club pledged allegiance to the flag and repeated the Rotary Four-Way Test. There was no song. This was a business meeting with focus on the upcoming induction banquet.
Happy Dollars
* Al Gress told of a men's breakfast planned for Saturday, June 15 in Paradise Church's Fellowship Hall the day before Father's Day. The breakfast will be at 9:00 a.m. and the speaker is the owner of the Akron Rubber Ducks baseball team. All men are invited.
* Jim Edwards announced that we have 1120 paid flags. Last year we had 1158. Jim said he expected to top last year's count.
* President Bob is pleased to announce that we're gaining 4 new members and the inductions will be a part of the banquet program.
The Program
* President Bob reviewed the programming for the annual banquet set for June 19. (There will be no luncheon meeting on that date.) Activities begin at 6 with an open cash bar. Tickets are $25 per person and payable at the door. Sign up with Dave Yeagley and include your meal choice: steak, scrod or vegetarian. Our District Governor Dan Morgan will be there to swear in the new board and to induct new members. Pastor David Anderson will speak. The volunteer drivers will be recognized. And, the new Rotary book will be distributed to all. (Well worth the $25 bucks for the meal.)
* In other business, we will try to get the coach of the LHS state champion softball team to attend a future meeting and bring as many girls from the team that are available.
* It was discussed that Pat Fallot wishes to become a Rotarian, but some raised the question of Rotary International rules that discourage elected governmental officials for membership. It was noted that Allen Gress was a township trustee as was Mike Lynch and both were active members. Also, Don Marshall was a Rotary member while serving as Mayor of Louisville. It was agreed that a local precedent was established and Pat would be a welcome member. Ken Smith will invite her to the banquet.
* Denny Valentine said to keep members, we should focus on having good meetings. The counter to that is that Rotary is not about entertainment but more about service. But others agreed with Denny. It was suggested that new members be required to tell about themselves at a meeting so we all get to know them better.
Coming Events
June 12 - Jackie Stewart, representing Encino Company, will be the speaker.
June 19 - The Big Banquet
June 26 - TBA
Louisville Rotary Club
June 26, 2019
Meeting Minutes
Club President Bob Hallier brought the meeting to order with 13 members and 4 guests present. Songmeiser Mark Sigler proved his versatility by giving the prayer and leading the song God Bless America. The club pledged allegiance to the flag and repeated the Rotary Four-Way Test. The four guests included the today's program speakers Joy Dougan and Joan Ortman, both members of the Plain Rotary Club and Al's daughter Jennifer in town from Sacramento accompanied with her friend Peter Christensen.
Happy Dollars
* Joe Morgan announced he was working two charities this summer.
* Al Gress said he had copies of the Rotary History book for any who did not receive one at the banquet. He left 12 copies with President Bob for passing them out to any prospective member.
* Jim Edwards reminded members that flags are taken down July 8 & 9.
* City Manager Larry Collins discussed progress on the Spray Park project and the Umbrella Alley. The completion of both is still not clear. The original contractor for the Spray Park backed out of the deal and a second contractor has been found.
* President Bob reminded members of the July Farmers Market. "Come," said. "We need participation."
The Program
The Purple Bag Project, a new project begun by Joy Dougan & Joan Ortman, was presented and offered as a project for our club. They gave each Rotarian a cloth-made bag, purple in color, for the purpose of collecting food, personal hygiene items and paper products that will be delivered by a volunteer from our club and delivered to the Domestic Violence Shelters of Canton and Massillon. There was a staples list of items needed. "There is a Facebook listing of weekly needs," Joy said. "And these items fill the gaps of grant cycles. Our population is always changing." The two women have plans to visit other Rotary clubs in the county.
"This is a feel-good project and a good way to help the community," said Ortman. President Bob said the request would be discussed at our next meeting.
Upcoming Events:
July 1 - Farmers Market 9 - 1
July 3 - No meeting due to July 4th holiday
July 6 - Farmers Market 9 -1
July 9 - Rotary Board meeting. Noon, Uptown Joe's
July 10 - Regular noon luncheon meeting.